Logistics refers to practices such as transportation, storage, customs clearance, packaging and distribution of a product from the first producer to the end consumer. In other words, logistics; To provide the right product, at the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity, in the right way, in the right quality, at a competitive price. Based on these explanations, it is possible to talk about logistics in all the products we see around us. Logistics is an extremely important element in every aspect of our lives without exception.

Logistics Activities

Logistics has a place that should not be ignored in the business world, as the ability to move the entire organization and resources in the most harmonious way to achieve the goal. In this context, purchasing, transportation, customs, insurance, handling, storage, supplier order tracking, demand forecasts, inventory management, logistics information systems, spare parts support, distribution, return transactions, supplying materials to production, value-added operations (labeling, price- A wide range of activities such as barcode, packaging, assembly-separation, product preparation according to customer demands, etc.), route planning and vehicle optimization and shipping (loading and arrival time planning) have become used together with logistics today.

Purposes of Logistics:

Minimize errors arising from deviations
Edit stock holding level
Combining goods at the highest level,
To support quality control and product life cycle.

Today's business world; It has turned into an area where international competition includes goods, technology and assets. For this reason, the importance of the strategies developed to achieve success in business life and the activities in line with these strategies, namely logistics, has gradually increased.