handling; It is the subjecting of goods to certain processes without changing their essential qualities and technical properties.
It is the receipt of the products together with their delivery note in a controlled manner, placing them on the shelf, addressing them from the shelf, collecting them according to the request and order from the customer, and making them ready for shipment. If a transaction needs to be carried out in the warehouse regarding the products requested by the customer, the changes that need to be made regarding the product are specified by the customer and the necessary handling is carried out according to this request. Operations such as changing labels, changing barcodes and changing boxes are carried out professionally. When off-season products arrive, requests such as removing the labels of these products, changing the paper and boxes, attaching labels according to the customer's request, and product description are met professionally. The product is made ready by handling according to the customers' desired location and conditions.
After the necessary procedures are implemented, customer requests including packaging-barcoding-packaging-labeling processes are fulfilled professionally by Scor Logistics.
Reverse Logistics
Özellikle son dönemde ön plana çıkan lojistik hizmetlerinden biri de tersine lojistik hizmetleridir. Tersine lojistik; ürünlerin çeşitli nedenlere bağlı olarak tüketicilerden üretici firmalara geri gönderildiği sürecin yönetilmesini ifade eder. Ürünlerin geri çağrılması, yeniden kullanılamayacak olan ürünlerin yok edilmesi, arızalı ya da hatalı ürünlerin tamiri ve yenilenmesi, tekrar dağıtıma ya da satışa hazır hale getirilmesi ve geri dönüşüm faaliyetlerini kapsayan tersine lojistik birçok sektörde yönetilen önemli süreçler arasındadır.