Storage; It is one of the important elements of logistics, which requires special and systematic work, where the goods are kept for a certain period of time from the receipt of the goods to the completion of the check-out process, during this process, placement on the shelves, addressing and stock tracking are carried out, and the goods are made ready for distribution or order.
The products are checked in terms of quantity and quality and taken into the warehouse, recorded in the system and stocks, placed on the shelves and addressed. After storage, the product taken from the customer's address is prepared upon the customer's order, and after packing, the delivery note is cut and distributed and shipped. The sending process to the desired points is completed successfully. Storage activities consist of the following stages:
Scor Logistics Storage
Storage activities are one of the indispensable elements that play an important role in both production and sales processes today and enable competition. It is extremely important that storage services are provided by companies that have appropriate conditions and are experienced in this field, in terms of meeting customer demands and continuing commercial activities successfully.
As Scor Logistics, in our warehouses with high capacity, technological infrastructure, shelving systems and appropriate storage conditions; Professional warehousing services are provided, including preserving your goods, packaging, barcoding, packing and stock tracking. All storage activities, including receiving, shelving, addressing and stock tracking, are carried out quickly and efficiently by our trained staff. After your goods are received, they are entered into stocks and placed on the shelves. Addressing is done after it is placed on the shelf. Addressing ensures knowing which shelf and at which point the product is located. In short, we offer you the highest quality, safest and professional storage service.